"One man at a time; no man left behind!"

Saturday, February 2, 2013

"Troubled Hearts Need Someone to Trust"

Jesus, we are told, had compassion on the people he met.  He loved them.  He was designed for that!  The description about Jesus and those good folks was that he felt as if they were like sheep without a shepherd; and on very basic sheep and shepherd playing field, this is dangerous turf.  Life and death kind of stuff, ok?  In Jesus' mind, the remedy was simple.  "Troubled hearts" needed someone to believe in.  This reality remains our reality.
In the 14th chapter of John's gospel Jesus told his disciples, "do not let your hearts be troubled.   Believe in the Father and also believe in me."  You remember, it's the 'many mansions" or "many rooms" passage reminding us that God's house is a big, big house and there's room for me and room for you and room for more than we can imaging.  Jesus is just that kind of host!  But, while many focus in on the believe in Jesus and believe in God portion of this text, I'm drawn to the open phrase... "do not let your hearts be troubled."  Here, Jesus seems to think that you and I have some sort of power to do this... and we do and the answer is clear... faith...our faith... Christ's faith... leads us to discover the grace that makes the difference.
I saw a short video clip the other day of a young teenage boy who was brave enough to tell his parents.."I don't believe in God anymore."  The scene was the kitchen table.  The son was half-turned facing his dad.  Mom was in the back shadows and the moment he declared his new freedom to be out on his own, the mother comes racing forward with a bellowing voice and says..."what the f%$#k do you mean you don't believe in God anymore?"  The boy was stoic.  "Well I just don't" came the reply.  Then mom barks in again.  "Ok, fine, then we're going to church EVERY Sunday for the rest of your life."  Still the son stood firm.  "How did you decide this? How could you change your mind?  You just had your Confirmation day only a month ago?" his mom continued the shout!  The boy remained calm and stated, "Well, I just don't."  To which the mom declared and got right up in his face with her extended pointer finger and said, "Well if you don't believe in God, then listen buster... there will be no Christmas for you!"  Take that scenario in again...
I was in a large room full of people when this video was shown.  There was a mix of laughter and groans.  Rightly so.  The room was filled with pastors, interns and youth ministers.  Lots of folks were focusing on the young man.  Many had obvious reactions to the mother's words and actions.  I sat with a deep sense of sadness watching the father of this young man and husband of this woman say absolutely nothing.  Not even a laryngal sound.  His body posture never budged.  No reaction whatsoever.  He might as well not even have been present in the room.  [NOTE:  A man's silence is not often his best friend nor an encourager to those around him].  I wasn't stunned, and not surprised.  Just sad.  This was just another example on a growing pile of reasons why men's ministry is so important to our families and our churches and the world.

Troubled hearts DO need someone to trust.  So, to all the KING's Men... the news is getting out... thank you....Others are asking the right questions... this ministry with and to and for men is ongoing and in a time of transition... AND from time to time... it is critical that we gather together to meet and talk.
A date has been set!  Some will be coming a short distance... others want to come the night before... so the plan now is to do both...

 There's a flyer sent to all our churches to print and post in high traffic areas and in the men's bathrooms at your church... help your pastor and staff get this done... FEB 22-23 is the Friday night and Saturday for our time to meet... and could even serve as a 'road trip' for our young college guys... keep reading...
 The agenda for "I AM GOD's OWN" will look like this...
  • A Friday night pre-gathering @ Living Word from 6:00 pm - 10:30 ish (guys from longer distances are staying at hotels of their choosing near I 10 and Mason Rd.).  There will be pizza and beer/wine and some casual conversation... and then watch a movie (past years = Gran Torino and Frisco Kid) and share in a conversation for faith take-away. LMM has a new deck of cards called "Man Talk... which is good for poker, Hold'em, War, and other games but each card helps men engage in meaningful and sometimes risky conversation...  I also give thanks in advance The Lutheran Foundation of the Southwest for helping fund this pre-event!
  • Saturday's agenda is stream-lined... breakfast...devotions... plus instead of a keynote speaker we will view the DVD documentary, "I AM" by Tom Shadyac and then have break-out sessions for some Lutheran 'talking points' . You will be encouraged and challenged by this news... 
  • We are required to have a business meeting to elect officers and promo future gatherings and get a sense of some common purpose for our men via some work projects.
  • Some 'after lunch' break-out sessions will include... "Spiritual Direction 101"... "Jump -Starting Your Men's Ministry" and "Men's ministry for the Long-Haul".
  • We will also point to April's One Year to Live Event in South Carolina as well as a week-long training for pastors, youth ministers and leaders of men at TLU's Disciple Project the last week of June;
  • A 'tools' table will be available with books and resources...
NOTE:  Let's agree it's a difficult thing to get younger dads to come... but this will be of value for them... WORK YOUR CORNER OF THE KINGDOM! Also, as an incentive, our synod men will waive the registration fee and cover all meals for "college" men who take a 'road trip' to Katy... we will also place cash in their hands for 'mileage' as an acknowledgement of our commitment to them! Please let your college age men know!
 Down the road...OUR SYNOD will be hosting an LMM "One Year To Live" retreat (sweat lodge for Lutheran men) SEP 20-22, 2013 and will accept 12-15 men only @ the Camp Lutherhill hosted event...  If you have other questions, call me... 281.485.1818
The John 14 passage is most often read at funerals... not because it is a word for the dead... rather, this is THE WORD for the living... as we lead lives with untroubled hearts the KING's MEN will live with a deep faith and all others will see that in us and will follow, too!
Pray hard.  Love deeply.  Let grace work for you!
One man @ a time; no man left behind,
                Coordinator for Gulf Coast Synod Men in Mission

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