"One man at a time; no man left behind!"

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


CAUTION: Men @ Work



To All the KING'S men,

Put on your hard hat---it's time to go to let me just say this out loud...not in anger nor with brashful boasting...just an honest announcement...

"Our synod's men's ministry is underemphasized & underestimated..."

There, now, I feel better and after reading this post, I hope you will too...laymen, clergy, AiMs and youth ministry network leaders alike...I really do beleive this---men's ministry in the Gulf Coast synod is underemphasized and underestimated... at best... and misunderstood at least...

A number of years ago, the Washington Post shared an article that stated (my paraphrase)

"even though our budget will present itself with more shortfalls equalling millions of dollars and the mayor has been arrested for posession of cocaine, everthing else in Washington D.C. is just fine." 

Some of you when reading this would say..."that does not pass the smell test!"  And you would be right.  There is not shalom in Washington D.C. and there is not shalom in the Gulf Coast synod when it comes to men's ministry.  Why do I suggest that?  Here are some symptoms...
  • I read a lot of newsletters.  Most of our congregations have no visible sign of an attitude for men's ministry or seek to be engaging men in an intentional way by looking at their monthly calendar and in the body of the newsletter itself;
  • After four years of seeking to reach out to all congregations to coonect with men, many of our congregations are still not in the KING'S MEN network;
  • Only 3 pastors in the last 4 years have called to ask me about ramping up their men's ministry in their local setting;
  • I don't always add a 'read receipt' to e-communications, but occassionally when I do, there are a couple of pastors who dump it..."unread;"  AND MOST RECENTLY...
  • The Men's SpiritualityRetreat @ Camp Lutherhill with Campus Pastor Greg Ronning of TLU set as the presenter was cancelled due to lack of registrants...
Even though our bishop is a proactive voice for men's ministry and we have no worry of lack of funding for there is no budget, everything is not just fine...and again, I'm not angry, sad or being brashfully boastful...I am only sharing what I see...

Now, please understand... I cannot NOT do this work.  God's Holy Spirit has gripped my heart, mind, eyes, hands and feet and my attention to this ministry to, for and with men per all men's sake is a primary focus for me as a parish pastor.  We all have our passions and I have mine  ...ending global hunger in our life-time, tending to 21st century 'reformation' worship, and nurturing the family...especially 'blended' families to name my personal few and these do not take a back seat to all the other things that I find myself involved in pastoral ministry...preaching, teaching, coaching, ecumenical work, community service and being SEO (Second Executive Officer and subservient to Christ and his Gospel) tending to the visioning and administration of congregational life.  Understand---pastor or church staff or member...we are all busy... so that is why it is important to work and think and live 'smart' for the sake of the gospel we preach and the perfect and preferred kingdom work we are welcoming as we must all admit...this kingdom comes all by itself and thus OUR personal "busy-ness" should not get in the way of God's work...

Thus my point... men's ministry is NOT something 'extra' pastors and men and the church at large do...rather it is a way of seeing the ministry we do using the gifts of men and reaching out to all men with the good news of Jesus and inviting them to take their rightful place at the font and table and lead the church, their families and communities in lives of prayerful devotion to God and service to the world... let me try to say it again... a bit differently...

Men's ministry is NOT something extra... it is an attitude of faith that permeates the household of God and impacts the lives of by one...two by two... and in small groups and large gatherings... men's ministry is not a program...with a goal to begin and a deadline to's ministry may very well be the ONE thing (beyond Word & sacraments) that every church in the ELCA can rally around for the sake of our work as God's people...

Said a bit more simple... it would seem obvious that if every man in every congregation were engaged fully into this ministry...the women and children would follow.  Men are called to lead.  So many don't and when asked...they don't know how... what kind of churches do we want?  That seems obvious, too!

Another way of lifting this up is to be a bit brash and confrontational... and that then comes with a challenge...simply stated... PROVE ME WRONG... there, I said it and I feel better now that I have... "prove me worong" and I say this with an honest understanding that if you try to do this..."prove me wrong"...I'm am confident  that God's Holy Spirit will prove this work to be of value to you and if you tend to this work over the next 2-3-5 years...your congregation and ministry will not be the same and will in fact be something I dare say you've not anticipated...

Four years ago, Bishop Paul Blom appointed me to serve in a volunteer position as Co-ordinator for Men's Ministry in the Gulf Coast synod. I have no real job description and yet I think I have a very big drum to beat and some of you have thanked me for beating that drum with passion and power.  You're welcome. Thank God, too..OK?  Because that's what I do when I hear from you that you appreciate that I keep this ministry out in the foreground of our collective synodical work...

Two years ago, our newly elected bishop, Mike Rinehart, asked me to continue in this position and do this work and that I would have his blessing for the next 2 years...and now at the end of September 2010 that time period has expired and the bishop has asked me to beat this drum for at least two more years...but as I said earlier...there is no deadline for men's, I'm writing to you today to let you know...

  1. I am honored and humbled to serve our synod and the ELCA in this role and will soon have a job description to present to synod council for affirmation and adoption;
  2. Lutheran Men in Mission is a movement of the laity...they are called "KING's MEN" in the Gulf Coast Synod and some congregations are embracing this reality better than others.  Our best days remain the days to come;
  3. The pastors, AiMs and Youth & Family Ministry network MUST get on board with this ministry attitude so that every man in every congregation gets the idea that they are LMM and have a ministry which is God given and intended to be shared.  You can find out about the importance of this ministry by simply reading the church newsletter, weekly bulletin, and listen for ongoing opporotunities to grow and serve.  Look.  Listen.  Respond.  Plan.  Act.  Review.  Look.  Listen, etc;
  4. LMM serves the work of pastors and lay leaders in the church.  Thus, pastors, above all will benefit from this ongoing work...EX---teaching and coaching 5 men to make hospital visits IS an extension of pastoral care and also IS ministry by and for men...
  5. Lutheran Men in Mission works to reach out to every man we know...those who are unchurched; those with a developing faith; those with a deep faith; those who are leading and coaching other men; AND men who are hurting...even their pastor who may be male OR female... Does your men's leadership team have a list of these men and a strategy to reach out to them?  Perhaps, that's the place to start...
Lastly, see it this's ministry is NOT the best thing since sliced bread... It IS the bread...or at least one of the 5 loaves a young boy gave to Jesus to feed a multitude...5 loaves... worship...teaching...outreach...service AND men's ministry... and when congregations and pastors are tending to these five loaves...a couple of fish show up too... and you can call those whatever you like...but in the end a miracle occurs and their is great contentment on the plain (or mount!).

Please wander around this web-site for a bit... read some back posts...  check out some of the links... and so I invite the men in your church...including the pastors... to take time to gather at Peace LC in Pasadena on FRI-SAT  November 12 & 13... to hear David Dusek share 'hands on' ways that each congregation can use to amplify their ministry to men and for men...

Please know that you can call me anytime...832.858.4076... there I posted my cell number and I feel good about's ministry may be undersestimated or at least misunderstood... but can never be under valued!!!.... and your call would never be taken as intrusive or considered an interruption... and when you call remind me to tell you the old story of the father who had little time for his son...and how the young boy set out to get the world together by first putting the man together...

One man at a time; no man left behind,


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