"One man at a time; no man left behind!"

Friday, May 1, 2009

"Lutheran Men in Mission Stimulus Package"


To all the KING'S Men...
  • K now Christ!

  • I nvite others to join God's team!

  • N urture your faith through prayer, worship & daily Bible reading!

  • G ive your time & money to support God's work in your congregation!''

  • ' ( ' = a sign of "possession" and it's about "belonging"---who we are and whose we are!)

  • S peak well of your pastor and the men in your life!

KING'S men...that's who we are!Or think of it this way...

"one man at a man left behind..."

And if that doesn't strike you...try the ELCA's Lutheran Men in Mission "vision" statement...

"That every man grow in his relationship with Jesus Christ

through an effective men‘s ministry in every congregation."

KING'S Men...I pray that we all sense God's Holy Spirit leading us to be just that...

In February, I was able to gather with Doug Haugen, our Director for ELCA LMM and other leaders of Lutheran Men in Mission. We met in Chicago. It was cold. But, we were indoors, safe and warm and conversation boiled with enthusiasm and hope as we celebrated the "stimulating" news of LMM's 5.01 C.3 status and a certain Independence from ELCA benevolence support. And what was so exciting is that information was shared that LMM could now receive...are you ready..."free money"...

Yes, that is right...but, nothing's free, eh? Well, ya, sure, ya betcha...not exactly...but pretty keep reading as I pass on this note from Doug...

Dear Partner in Men's Ministry:

Challenge! We are living in challenging times, yet the opportunity for reaching men for Christ has never been greater. Thanks to your support and participation 2009 is our most exciting year of ministry yet. We continue our emphasis on Bible distribution and study, events that make disciples of men and assisting congregations to become a culture that welcomes young men.

Along with that, we are focusing more than ever on leadership for your congregation. Through events we are sponsoring in each region of the country over the next two years we are helping congregations like yours make disciples of men by training leaders with the most up to date information and resources.

More exciting news!
1) Three men have stepped up and issued a challenge. Our goal is to raise $60,000 in the next six weeks. These men will contribute $30,000- and challenge the rest of us to match it by May 15.
2) LMM is now enrolled in the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans GivingPlus program. If you are a member, Thrivent will contribute $1 for every $2 you contribute up to $600. In other words, your contribution of $600 would be matched with $300. Please see the attached form for more information and return the form with your gift to the address below in order to have your gift matched. (
ACTUALLY, the form cannot be linked to this blogspot...but if you shoot me a quick right now...and ask for the form...I can send it back to you to download, complete and return to LMM with your gift...)

Now, that is exciting news...stimulating news and a way for Lutherans to share what is ours...our faith, our hope, our love and our gifts...

Second, allow me to wish you a joyful 50 days of Easter...may the risen Christ be your north star for all that you say and do...

And share this note with others in your congregation...and see who is willing to come with you to Camp Lutherhill Friday and Saturday, May 15-16 to help "spruce up" the grounds before the campers arrive in June...there is no cost for housing...just meals but we'll need to know how many from your church are coming so that the chef will have enough to feed us...

Lastly, whatever you have been doing with the men in your church...keep it up...keep encouraging...have them go back and re-read some previous postings on this blog...

One man @ at a time; no man left behind,

Brian Gigee, Gulf Coast Synod Men's Ministry Coordinator

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