I write this note on the heels of a 4 day road trip from Houston to Omaha and back. There's much to report! There's much to rejoice about! There's even more to look forward to...
"That every man grow in his relationship with Jesus Christ
through an effective men‘s ministry in every congregation."
The 2nd part of this great event is to point out the successful completion of the $1.5 million "Building for the Future" Endowment Campaign. Men, the goal was not just met...it was exceeded and gifts continue to come in...there are many men in our synod and around the LMM nation that helped reach this goal. I will be given a list from Doug Haugen in the next few weeks and I promise to write personal thank you notes to each of you...
- Grace, Conroe
- Zion, Houston
- Covenant, Houston
- Martin Luther, Swiss Alps
- New Life, Pearland
- St. Paul's, Columbus
- Shared Ministry of Fayette County
- Lord of Life, The Woodlands
- Advent, Houston
If you would like to make a gift to LMM's Building for the Future Campaign, your gift can be sent directly to the LMM office in Chicago...that link is on the blog spot links on this page..
Now, for some other great news...
QUESTION?---"what will this endowment do?"ANSWER---What endowments are supposed to do...create an account by which ministry can be done until Jesus returns! This fund will be used in 3 significant ways...sustain the current LMM leadership; allow for new leadership to be developed as we reach out to younger men, ages 19-30 and provide seed money for projects that support this work.
Our Master Builders Bible project continues to bear fruit and Bibles are also being distributed in Spanish as well. LMM gets $15 of the $20 dollars for each Bible ordered via Augsburg/Fortress.
QUESTION?---"what else is the LMM nation up to now?"
ANSWER---What else? Men from all over the country are returning to their congregations this Sunday with a renewed passion for men's ministry. The music of Peter Mayer and Dakota Road was inspiring. The speakers, Ernie Hinojosa, Dick Hardell, Coach Tom Osborne and Pastor Larry Clark were exceptional. They made us think, made us groan seeking forgiveness, made us laugh and reminded us to be hopeful about what God has in store for each of us and his Church!
So, I ask you to bring to worship this Sunday your Master Builders Bible ...a resolution passed unanimously in the LMM Delegates meeting on Friday... and take a deeper interest in the work of the LMM nation. As Lutherans will be reading their Bibles together more and more in the coming decade, all the men of LMM are asked to bring their copy to worship each Sunday as a witness that God's Word is central in all our thoughts and actions...
QUESTION?---"what did you forget to tell us?"
ANSWER---What did I forget? I didn't forget...but I appreciate your enthusiasm and desire to know more ...4 things...one...be on the lookout for a post-synod gathering this October to continue a conversation begun in June about the ministry we share as God's people in the TX-LA Gulf Coast synod...men, make sure that your congregation has men from all 3 generations at that conversation and be watchful for more info from the synod office...
2nd, a Tri-synod gathering is being scheduled for SAT, FEB 21, 2009 in Austin, TX @ Triumphant Love LC and our goal is to have over 300 men (at least 100 from each synod) or more there as we seek to be "Living It Up For Jesus"! So, begin praying about how you can fit into that event and please put this date on your calendars...
3rd, watch for some special opportunities in our synod for training, personal faith development and life mapping as we connect and co-partner with Camp Lutherhill in LaGrange for both work projects and faith projects like "One Year to Live," training for "No Man Left Behind," and a men's get-a-way with a weekend retreat of baseball movies (Bull Durham, Field of Dreams, The Natural, etc) and reflections on men, their lives, women and work...SO, you see men's ministry isn't just Bible study and coffee once a month on Saturday morning...
4th and perhaps most important...our brothers in the congregations and neighborhoods of New Orleans and Port Arthur continue to need our help in the ongoing recovery from hurricanes Katrina and Rita as well as men are needed to help with work project in New Orleans July 23, 24 & 25 as part of the ELCA National Youth Gathering. You can help by reaching out to Scott Quillen via scottq@sstar.com who will be gathering names of congregations and men to assist. NOTE: When our older men ask, "why aren't the younger men involved in LMM?" one response is to make sure your HS age boys go to New Orleans and that some men from your congregation go with them...that's just one of many examples of "men's ministry" in the 21st century...
Ok, and now just a couple of other comments and questions...
- Call the young men in your church this week before they head off to college. Tell them you love them and wish them well in class and give them your cell # in case they must call!
- Check with your SS staff leader and make sure that there are men teaching (or co-teaching) for grades K-5th grade...point them out on Rally Sunday...our young boys MUST see men involved in God's work this way...
- Are there men in your church who are older, and can't get out? Call and pick them up for worship. Your voice may be one of just a few they speak to that week. Take them to lunch!
- Men...take a breath...walk with God...talk with God..God will talk back to you...listen...
As St. Paul once wrote..."I thank God for you always and pray for you. Your partnership is important to me...from the first day and even now..."
One man at a time; no man left behind!
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