"One man at a time; no man left behind!"

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Value of a Man---What is a Man's Life Worth?

To All the KING'S Men,

K-now Christ!
I-nvite others to join God's team!
N-urture your faith through prayer, worship & daily Bible reading!
G-ive your time & money to support God's work in your congregation!
' - (it's all about "belonging"---who we are and whose we are!)
S-peak well of your pastor and the men in your life!

KING'S men...that's who we are!

Or think of it this way..."one man at a man left behind..."

And if that doesn't strike you...try the ELCA's Lutheran Men in Mission "vision" statement...

"That every man grow in his relationship with Jesus Christ
through an effective men‘s ministry in every congregation."

KING'S Men..."claimed, gathered and sent into the world with God's amazing grace..."

Well, that's a good start...Happy Easter time, y'all...the time of Pentecost is closing in!

What is the value of a man's life? And what does a man value in his life? These are good and appropriate questions for men in our congregations to talk over. I hope you do and I want to share some thoughts that can perhaps stimulate that effort...

In a dated article (June 1991) in Lutheran Women Today (yes, that's the WELCA news) it was said, "that despite what a man would like to be valued for, he's still valued by the amount of money he earns." (my parphrase) i.e. George Steinbrenner will always be more important that the NY Yankess bat boy. Some would agree and others not. But, this being said, it places our reason for being at risk if we succomb to the notion that it is THIS one thing we need to tend to as if nothing else mattered. Others things do; they matter alot.

Pass this page on to a friend or download and copy it if you want to use it for discussion...

based on reflection from Dr. Joe Renzuli

Q: “How shall we prepare leaders for the 21st century?”

A: Consider the “time blocks” of our lives?

  • How busy must we be?
  • cell phones, e-mail and Fed EX rule
  • materialism prevails
    o—> 31 minutes for the care of children / week
    o—> 5 minutes for romantic interlude w/ wife
  • Success in not measured by the people we rub shoulders with but is a result of our worthwhile work coupled with our worthwhile pleasure
  • The best way to predict the future is to create it! ( I find this most Biblical!)
  • We live in a time which demands:
    o—moral courage
    o– vision linked to optimism
    o– a sense of power to change ( in and around)
    o—having a clear sense of destiny
    o—concern for the environment
    o– being passionate about a topic or cause
    o—having enough conviction to attract others

Question? - “What must we do to shape our own destiny vs. reacting to the world around us?”
Jesus said, “Take my yoke and learn from me; my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

St. Benard said it this way..."Jesus is my bee; he comes not to sting but to bring me honey."

Therefore, a man's life is valued by the voice and desire of Christ and what a man must value is the depth of the relationship he has with the same Christ and the others who he finds following along with him. This is good company, men.

I want to say "thank you" also for a few it reflects this good company...

  1. Thank you for your kind words to me at the death of mother, Doris this past February. As Mother's Day looms nearer, I find myself missing her immensely. Your prayers, words of encouragement and the simple question, "how are you today?" have deep impact and is a constant reminder to all the men in our congregations that we are always two kinds of people--the kind of guys who need support and the kind of guys who provide the support and never forget we are both of them!
  2. Thank you for your diligence in getting men's ministry on the move in your congregation. I hear from others that the phrase, "men's ministry" is getting more than talk. It's action complimenting action. It's contagious!
  3. Thank you to the men in South Louisiana for their efforts in organizing a "quarterly" gathering of men from area churches. This group will sustain and support the efforts of each congregation's men's minsitry and vice-versa.
  4. Thanks to Velon Burnett (Covenant, Houston), Clyde Muske (Zion, Houston) John Dufrene ( Christ the King, Kenner, LA), Phil Oestreich (St. John's, Rutersville, TX), John Hunsicker (Martin Luther, Swiss Alps, TX), Kenny Sanders (Peace, Pasadena) for meeting with me in April to consider our synod and tri-synod events in the coming months. Guys, can we uphold these men in our prayers as we meet? Yes, we can!

Ok, this is a good place to stop. Stopping gets us started, again.

The value of a man?...take some time and talk that out with another man of value...

No One Left behind... man at a time...


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